Bilinguale Kinderbetreuung in Wien

Unser Team / Leitung – ehrenamtlicher Obmann: Sperlich, Stv Kayser


Ing. Maico Potma,  MBA

Dear parents, I am originally born in The Netherlands and lived for many years in Wisconsin, USA. Following my heart and Austrian girlfriend I came to Vienna 8 years ago. Since then I worked as a native speaker in a kindergarten and as an English tutor and educator for families. I am a founding member of Early Birds and have since invested in  becoming a certified teacher and updating my skills( Kindergruppenbetreuer), as well as building an „Early Birds“ culture, together with my Early Birds colleagues.

My goal is to make learning English a fun experience for your little ones, where the emphasis for this age group is on developing a feeling for the language and being confident to use it. Games, songs and stories are my main tools together with my presence as an English speaking person throughout the day.

I am the lead of group 1 and, together with my colleagues, we look forward to welcoming you – children and their families –  to our lovely Early Birds culture.


In-Hye Rosensteiner

Liebe Eltern, mein Name ist In-Hye  und freue mich, die musikalische Fortbildung von Early Birds Pädagogen massgeblich unterstuetzen und vermitteln zu duerfen.

Nach dem  Studium  „Musik und Bewegungserziehung/Rhythmik“ an der Universität für Musik in Wien habe ich in Salzburg „Musik und Tanzpädagogik“ am Orff-Institut der Universität Mozarteum studiert.

Derzeit unterrichte ich an der Musikschule Tulln und in der Musikwerkstatt Ober St. Veit Wien. All meine Arbeitserfahrung fliesst in die Fortbildungsstunden von Early Birds‘ Team, um Ihren Kindern bestmoegliche musikalische Frueherziehung tagtaeglich zu ermoeglichen.
Ich freue mich schon sehr darauf auf die gemeinsame Zusammenarbeit und Umsetzung des Konzeptes unserer Kindergruppe mit Ihnen und Ihren Kindern.


Jezreel Aileigh Manalon

Dear Parents! My name is Jezreel Aileigh Manalon – please just call me Jez.   I come from Manila, Philippines, where English is, next to Tagalog, the official language.  I have been living in Vienna since 2003 and have a little boy.
I worked from 2008 to 2016 as a native speaker in a private kindergarten. Then I decided to obtain the certificate  as „Kindergruppenbetreuerin“  and took all courses, along with doing an internship at Early Birds. I loved it!
Working with children gives me a lot of joy every day. My strengths are my patience,  experience with children aged 1 – 3 years, as well as planning and carrying out creating projects with the very young ones.
Very important to me is the exchange with parents about the child’s  development. I look forward to offering and receiving trust and openness, so that both children and parents can feel comfortable with me.

I am the lead of group 2 and together with my colleague I very much look forward  to caring for your children!